The Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) is the pension scheme for university staff in the UK; it is the largest in the UK by assets and one of the largest pension schemes in Europe, worth around £75 billion.

Currently USS invests hundreds of millions of pounds in fossil fuel companies and those financing them, supporting the development of new oil and gas fields and making it increasingly difficult to limit climate damage and its catastrophic impacts.

Divest USS is a group of USS members committed to reforming USS and ensuring an investment strategy that protects the planet, respects human rights, invests responsibly and ensures good pensions.

Read DivestUSS’s Report on the Universities Superannuation Scheme’s Response to the Climate Emergency published October 2022. We updated this in September 2023 as a briefing to universities prior to their annual meeting with USS.

The content of this website reflects the views of DivestUSS members and not any organisation employing them.


We work closely with the student groups SOS-UK and People & Planet and with ShareAction and UK Divest.


Our standard members are current, deferred or retired members of the USS pension scheme. We also welcome associate members.

    To receive periodic updates on our work and campaigns, please subscribe to our newsletter. Contact details will be used solely for periodic updates.